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BrewBunny's Art In The Bay Area

Attention Bay Area Hushvillians!

I will be showing my artist books at the Codex International Book Art Fair April 10-13 in the Craneway Pavilion in Richmond. Stagr Lee will be my lovely assistant. I'm table #127. I will be showing my artist books as well as a recent collaborative project about wildfire and climate change titled HOPE? I was super excited to see Cupcake at Codex last time in the before times of 2019. I hope to see all of you who are tempted. It is an amazing and unusual event.
CODEX is a four day book fair is held every two years in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is the largest book fair in the world for 'handmade book as a work of art'. Over 200 stands show work from over 20 countries, work of the highest quality hand-made and mainly handprinted books.
CODEX info
BrewBunny's artist books
I'm looking forward to seeing you all in the dust yet again!
BrewBunny a.k.a. Susan Lowdermilk