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MOOP Avoidance Tactics

One easy one is to discard extraneous packaging as you pack. For example, discard the cardboard box the cereal comes in. Bring spring clips to close the bag once you open it. Welcome other suggestions.


Costumes?  Avoid feathers, sequins, and anything else that can easily fall apart or blow away. The playa will take its toll, so make your outfit ready for it.

Great point Jeff!

I worked on a MOOP skills video last year.  We visited camps with consistently high ratings.  Here are some tips we picked up:

1.  walk the land every morning, then have breakfast.  MOOP hides at night, then becomes visible in the morning light.

2.  carry a ziplock at all times.  put the MOOP in the ziplock.  take the ziplock with you.

3. if you stop to camp in Truckee, don't bring a tent full of twigs and leaves to the burn.  clean everything that touches Truckee.


ElLeon has reacted to this post.

Good point regardless of where you camp. Some of us come from other directions and camp along the way. 😉